6 Ways to Make Time to Pursue Your Passions

woman working with clay

Last month, we wrote about why it’s important for you to continue your education as an adult, whether you do it formally or informally. Continuing education can help you advance in your career, but it can also help you live a life more full of your passions.

At Coworking Connection, we’re all about making it easier for you to succeed in business. And we know that personal happiness contributes to business success. But when your business demands take up the bulk of the day, when do you have the time to continue your education or pursue your passions in unrelatable fields? Is that process even worth it?

And how does a coworking space factor in?

Read on for the answers — plus, how to make time to pursue your passions.

Give Yourself Permission to Pursue Your Passions

One of the biggest obstacles holding us back from pursuing our passions is believing we don’t have the right to do so. Our culture worships results. And sometimes, taking the time to simply learn about a new thing doesn’t give you any sort of measurable, profitable result.

For example, if you’re interested in learning about acting for the first time, you won’t be bringing in any money from that hobby for a long time, if ever. Is it still worth it?


If you want to learn about something, it is always worth it. New knowledge only enriches your life. And when you enrich your personal life, your work life will do even better.

Plus, the skills you learn while you continue your education can almost always be applied to your work life in some way. Acting skills can help you avoid stage fright, which can help you in your one-on-one sales meetings. Painting skills can help you notice details and develop patience, which can help you when you’re developing a solution for a client.

Surround Yourself with the Right People

One of the greatest things about a co-working space is that you get to be surrounded by other motivated people. At Coworking Connection, we often find that even when our clients aren’t in the same industry, they inspire and motivate each other simply by being in proximity with each other.

Plus, creativity abounds when you’re surrounded by motivated people. Our clients find themselves seeing new solutions and expanding their business ideas by listening and talking to people from different industries.

It’s the same when you want to find time to pursue your passions: get yourself a group of people who get it.

Find people who are already doing what you want to do and can help you. And find people who can be your cheerleader.

Schedule Time for Your Passions

It sounds obvious, but most of us don’t do this.

You schedule doctor’s appointments, time to clean the house, and time to start work. But you also need to schedule time to pursue your passions.

You may think you don’t have any extra time, but almost everybody does.

Start by writing down everything you do in a day. Take a notepad with you wherever you go, and record what you’re doing with your time. (Include all your social media distractions!)

After a few days of this, you’re going to more clearly see where you have pockets of time in your day.

Schedule your passions into one of those pockets, and treat it like it’s an important meeting — because it is.

Say No

Now that you know how your time is spent each day, and how passion pursuit is going to fit into your schedule, you can say no to requests.

Guard your time. It’s precious! If something isn’t necessary, and if it’s not getting you to your goals, you don’t have to do it.

Invest in Yourself

What will it take to pursue your passion? Do you need to take a class in person? A virtual class? Get certified?

Write down the process, and get started. Maybe you want to learn about marketing. You’ll probably need to find a class, talk to someone in the field, watch videos, follow experts, read articles or books, and more. Maybe you’ll want to attend a conference. Write it all out, and start with the first item on your list.

It may take some time to get from your beginning to your end, depending on cost and time. But time is going to pass anyway. Chip away at your process of investing in yourself, and it will pay off.

Make Space for Your Passions

Make physical space for you to pursue your passion. Clear out a space for you new bike in your garage, instead of tripping over it in the hallway. Set up a space for your art supplies that is easy to access.

And if your passion can be pursued at a desk, find a desk that is outside of your home. Working in a coworking space will tell your brain that your pursuit is serious and worth it. Take your online marketing, sales, or writing course at a coworking space where you can focus and take yourself seriously.

The Coworking Connection offices in Murietta and Temecula have multiple options for renting open desk space, offices, and conference rooms. Give us a call at  1-800-762-1391. Our affordable options will expand your current possibilities and capabilities, while giving you the space you need to pursue your passions.

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