Define Your Vision in 2020

Darren Hardy Be The Exception picture

Define your Vision and work towards it in a space that motivates you!

“During World War ll, Enemies torpedoed a Navy cruiser carrying more than 1,100 crew members. As the ship sank into the frigid water, the crew floundered in the sea for five days. They were starving, drowning, and being attacked by sharks.

The ocean current pulled nine men away, splintering them from the rest of the ranks.  A young officer among the nine saw the small group beginning to lose their will.  He asked them about their families and lives back home.  He asked them to describe what they were going to do when they go back.  HE asked them to envision how scared their spouses and children were; how their parents must feel not knowing if they were alive.  He asked them to fight to stay alive—not only for themselves, but for their loved ones back home.

Finally, a passing plane spotted the men in the water.  Two-thirds of the 1,100 crew members perished.  However, all nine inspired by that young officer lived.  This story helps to illustrate the importance of vision.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”  – Proverbs 29:18

What is the vision for your life?  It needs to be bigger than yourself.  What are you willing to fight for?  Who are you willing to fight for?  Who are you willing to live for?

This was taken from a book by Darren Hardy called “Living Your Best Year Ever”.  A good friend of mine, that I met at Coworking Connection, turned me on to him.  He changed my life, I am forever grateful to Mr. Rick Robins.  Each week I meet with my accountability partner Matthew Smith with Trust Home Inspections and we work towards our goals and creating the life we want with intention and purpose.

I highly recommend you check out and sign up for Darren free daily inspiration and motivation .  Then if you are inspired to be more, get your own book and start Living Your Best Year Ever!

Happy New Year Friends!  Let’s crush our 2020 goals together!

Dione Moser

Owner and Founder of Coworking Connection Inc.

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