This “New Normal” Sucks. How to Recharge in the Time of Covid

woman with head in her hands looking at laptop

Burnout happened a while ago. What we’re experiencing now, seasons into this pandemic, is something bigger than burnout. Some days we’re up, and some days we’re down. Some days, we can’t figure out how to care about big things, and some days the big things are all we care about. We need to recharge, but how?

We’re facing decisions about our kids’ education, the sustainability of our working situations, health, connecting with family, and more — all while conflicting information and opinions splash across our social media feeds and news apps.

The idea of “recharging” is almost laughable, because it implies we could “redo” something normal — get back to a place where we were once charged. But most of us don’t know what that place is anymore.

This far into the pandemic, we need something bigger. We need a dedicated focus on our mental health and well-being.

Here are 6 smart ways to recharge (er… find your footing) during Covid-19.

Hire a Coach to Help You Recharge

If you have the funds, invest in a coach right now. There are coaches for every aspect of your life — relationship coaches, work coaches, entrepreneur coaches, executive function coaches, ADHD coaches… the list goes on.

The thing is, no matter how stable you felt you were pre-Covid, you’re probably struggling somewhere now. Executive functions — those things that help us make decisions, plan ahead, and get organized — just aren’t functioning at their prime right now… for anyone. A coach can help you get back in the right head space to get stuff done.

Less-Expensive Option: If you’re out of work, or can’t foot the bill for a coach, invest your time into personal development. There are plenty of podcasts, books, and articles to help guide you with your specific problem. While this content is not a substitute for a coach, it can help you begin taking forward steps. To make sure you follow through, set a specific time on your calendar for personal development.

Get Therapy

A therapist is different from a coach. A coach will help you reach your goals, while a therapist will help you with your mental health and emotional healing. Both are great. If you can fit both professionals into your schedule and budget, do it.

If you can’t, ask yourself where you’re struggling most: Are you dealing with depression, chronic anxiety, addiction, childhood trauma, self harm, or another psychological condition? If so, find a therapist or psychiatrist.

Are you struggling with motivation, goals, confidence, or direction? A life coach may be the answer.

If you’re struggling to motivate yourself to get help from a therapist, ask a friend or family member to help you take the steps.

Help Someone

There’s no doubt about it: Covid-19 is overwhelming. And when something is overwhelming to us, it’s so easy to turn inwards; to focus only on our overwhelm.

When you feel this happening, look for someone to help. Not only will you be putting good into the world, you’ll take the focus off yourself. Your brain will think of something other than the overwhelm, and it will feel a new feeling: pride/happiness/satisfaction/warmth at helping someone else.

Volunteer in a formal way, or look for ways you can step out and help others in your circle. There’s really no wrong way to do it: just get out and help someone.

Clean Something

Okay, the last thing anyone wants to do is a chore. But there’s something about clearing out a space or cleaning something that is dirty: as the space gets renewed, you feel a renewal.

Getting rid of physical clutter can help you to get rid of mental clutter.

Even something small — like cleaning out your purse or the junk drawer — can recharge your space and your brain.

Give Yourself 10-Minute Breaks

Are you working from home? Without the structure of a typical work day in your usual office, it can be hard to maintain focus. You’re not the only one who can’t believe how quickly time moves when you pop over to check your social media feed for “just a minute.”

Instead of getting sucked into distractions, schedule distractions! Give yourself 10-minute breaks throughout the day. Ideally, you would use those breaks to step outside or get up and move. But if you must check your social media feed, stick to 10 minutes. Set a timer to help you stay committed.

Rent a Coworking Space 

There is power in a business environment. It allows you to focus, be productive, and even have new and creative ideas. Step outside of your home office, and get yourself to a coworking space, where you can take advantage of an office environment, amenities, and a new mindset.

Rent a space for a day or two when you’re focusing on a project, or rent space for every day of the week. Your options are likely more affordable than you think, and the benefits of focus, productivity, and recharge are unmatched.

Coworking Connection in Murrieta and Temecula is open! We’re carefully following Covid-19 safety protocols, and are here for you to enjoy the benefits of working outside your home. Give us a call at  1-800-762-1391. Our affordable options will expand your current possibilities and capabilities, giving you the room, creativity, and connection you need to boost your morale and recharge during Covid-19.

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