Relatives in Town? Get Away to a Coworking Space

picture of family eating a meal

Normally, we don’t get involved in family affairs, but we would be remiss if we didn’t point out an important solution to the extended visit from relatives.

Sure, you love your in-laws. You even enjoy having them around. But sometimes, when relatives stay at your house for an extended amount of time, it can get to be just a bit… much.

Escaping to the store can only be done occasionally, and there’s a limit on how long you can be gone.

Instead, use your relatives’ visit as a time to really get down to business on your business!

Rent a desk or office in a coworking space, and give your work the focus and attention it needs. Meanwhile, back at home, your relatives can entertain themselves with your TV, the kitchen, and criticizing your decor (out of your earshot).

Seriously though, have you thought of these benefits?

Step Away From Unwanted Opinions

They might mean well, but it’s wearing to hear your relatives’ opinions on your kids’ extracurricular activities, your weight, or your remodeling project.

Rest assured, those opinions will always be there. But you don’t have to hear them all day. Step away from the house and go to work in a clean, fresh office space where you only have to talk to people if you want to.

Step Away From Political Fights

Your uncle has an opinion about your political leaders, and he’s itching to tell you all about it.

But you don’t have to hear it! You have work to do, and it has to be done in an office outside your house! Shucks, your uncle’s opinion will have to wait until dinnertime. (We’re sorry. We can’t help you with dinnertime political fights once you leave our coworking space. Best of luck!)

Step Away From Chaos at Home

If you have a home office, chances are it also doubles as a guest bedroom. Or maybe your home office is your kitchen table. Either way, this means that when relatives come to town, there is no room for you to work in your own house.

Even if you don’t struggle with unwanted opinions and political fights, you will struggle with extra chaos at home. You might end up working in your bed, which is far less than ideal. Or maybe you’ll be interrupted by questions or excitement in another room.

You might want to join the fun being had by everyone else. And not that there’s anything wrong with that, but you definitely won’t be getting work done if you succumb to another game of Cards Against Humanity.

Use your self-discipline to propel you out the door and to a quiet office space where you can work without distractions.

Step Into Focus

Whether you have relatives at home or not, a coworking space is ideal for clear focus during work. With an environment designed for optimal focus, amenities like coffee at the ready, and your own clean space, you’re primed for focus.

And greater focus leads to greater productivity. You can get more done — and do a better job at it — when you’re working in a focused environment.

Maybe you’ll focus so well that you can finish up early and head home to enjoy your relatives. Or maybe you have difficult relatives. If so, maybe you’ll focus so well that you stay put and keep working to get yourself ahead (wink wink).

Step Into Creativity

Your environment plays a huge role in your creativity. If you’re holed up in your bed, trying to get your work done, your creativity is likely going to be stifled.

Instead, when relatives come to town, work in a coworking space where your ideas are more free to expand. A clean, professional environment will help you tap into your creativity, find new solutions, and make real progress on your business goals.

The Coworking Connection offices in Murietta and Temecula have multiple options for renting open desk space, offices, and conference rooms. Give us a call at  1-800-762-1391. Our affordable options will expand your current possibilities and capabilities, while giving you the space you need when relatives come to town.

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