The Truth About Commuting

Quite simply, it sucks.  It’s awful and stressful and it wears out your body, your mind, not to mention your vehicle.  It costs money to fill that thing up with gas, to service it regularly, to make sure it gets you from point A to point B day in and day out, in relative comfort.  It’s nerve-wracking to think you are at the mercy of the other drivers, the conditions of the road, traffic ahead, road work, etc.  If you’re lucky, after you’ve braved traffic and made it to your destination, you only have 8-10 hours of work to do before you can get back into Ol’ Faithful and return home.

I’ve done it.  I know.  I remember the 5:00 a.m. wake ups, as my eyes burned with the realization that it was still dark outside and therefore, quite conceivably still bedtime.  I remember strapping in the half-sleeping baby and driving South 45 minutes to drop him off at childcare, driving East 20 minutes to connect to the freeway where I would then drive North and Northeast for another 60 miles, where I held down a full time temp job, because my second pregnancy made me unhireable but my work ethic made me a satisfactory fill-in while they found someone more suitable to their needs.  At the end of my day in the land of We-Want-You-But-We-Don’t-Actually-Want-You, I would reluctantly fold myself into my trusty Honda Accord and retrace my steps at half the pace to pick up my child and get home, just in time to consume whatever food was within reach and crawl into bed so I could do it all over again in about 8 hours.  I had no life.  Driving to and from my only source of income consumed my time, my energy and possibly my soul.  It was a necessary evil, and one that I was grateful for, if not for those 4 hours a day spent on the exact same road with the exact same scenery.

So what if there was a way to break up that monotony?  What if, instead of those five weekly drives, you could cut them down to one or two a week?  What if you could offer your employer another option to improve your productivity as well as your attitude?  What if you could commute to your local Coworking Connection, link up to your office computer, and keep your lines of communication open to whoever may need to reach you, all the while saving precious time, money and energy?  Here, in your virtual office, your employer wouldn’t have to worry about the distractions that may present themselves at home.  Here, your employer knows you have everything you could possibly need to maintain your top-producer status.  Here, you breathe a little easier, knowing that you’ll be able to be home in time for dinner, and not foil wrapped leftovers.  Here, you are surrounded by other easy-breathing peers that aren’t competing for your job, who aren’t looking over your shoulder constantly, who aren’t creating an air of office politics that would make Sarah Palin blush.  What would that kind of solution be worth to you?  With so many available packages, surely it would be worth a look, no?

Put Coworking Connection in your GPS, and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find out that we’re just a hop, skip and jump away from the places you know within this community you call yours.  If you’re here on a Tuesday, we can even get Ol’ Faithful washed while you work.


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