Why Community Matters in Business — Now, More Than Ever

people working at a coworking location

Here’s a sobering number: We spend a third of our lives at work.

If you’re not enjoying that third of your life, it’s likely your negative feelings will leach into the other critical parts of your life — like family, hobbies, community service, and more.

One contributing factor to unhappy workplaces is a lack of community and positive workplace culture. When this lack is present, companies see low employee morale — and more workplace drama and gossip.

And now, more than ever, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, we as a people are realizing how much we need community. Belonging to a community of people who work together — and work towards similar goals — helps us feel better. And when that can happen in your workplace, you’ll spend that third of your life happy.

Here’s why we need community in business — now, more than ever.

Community Is a Human Need

Humans are meant to need each other. This is evident from the moment we’re born; we need loving people to care for all our needs. And while we become more independent as life goes on, we still need human connection.

We need people who understand us, who enjoy us and love us, and who appreciate and value us. When these needs are met at work with a supportive community, we thrive.

It has been a challenge to work in isolation during the pandemic. Coworking spaces are good solutions for people who know they need a community of like-minded people.

{4 Reasons Women Should Be in Coworking Spaces}

Business Communities Attract People

A quality community offers a sense of place that people want to belong to. A good community attracts like-minded people. Like-minded doesn’t always mean the same — the more people who are attracted to a place, the more variety will be present. But the community binds people together with similar ideals and goals. And unique individuals can offer unique ideas for achieving those ideals and goals.

A business or coworking space that offers a strong sense of place brings people together to make big things happen.

Positive Communities Make Us Healthier

Isolation has been shown to lead to increases in health risks, and even premature mortality. And in our modern world, we’re struggling to be a part of strong communities. A strong business community can combat loneliness in workers, who can then bring their positive attitude out into the world — connecting with more people in more meaningful ways. This is a positive for our health.

{Are Coworking Spaces Healthy for Your Employees?}

Community in Business Helps the Local Economy

When a workplace has a strong community, or when a location has a strong community among business owners, the economy flourishes. Not only do strong business communities provide jobs, they also keep business owners interested in their community at large — and willing to support and invest in making it better.

The Right Community Can Help Entrepreneurs

Small businesses are the heart of communities. They offer variety and uniqueness to a place. This creates a character that can’t be replicated elsewhere. We already established that communities attract people, but they also attract entrepreneurs — who then attract a vibe.

When a community is entrepreneur-friendly, everyone benefits. Entrepreneurs learn from each other while providing unique solutions fit for their specific community. Business increases, needs are met, and the place thrives.

{How You Can Increase Sales by Working in a Coworking Space}

Communities Help Us Be Compassionate

When people are invested and involved in their communities, they care about what happens there. They notice those who are struggling, and they want to make things better for them.

Small business owners are great at caring about their local communities, wanting to help their neighbors thrive. An entrepreneur with a brick-and-mortar store, or a start-up using a coworking space, cares about their community. And when they participate in their own business community, that positive participation extends out to the community at large.

Be a part of a positive business community. Whether you work for a company from home, or you’re an entrepreneur working on your own, The Coworking Connection offices in Murietta and Temecula can help you find the community of likeminded people you need. We have multiple options for renting open desk space, offices, and Our affordable options for women in co-working spaces will expand your current possibilities and capabilities.

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